Curriculum Vitae

Nigar M. Shafiq Surameery

University of Garmian, Kalar, Kurdistan, Iraq

Title: Assitant Professor

Engineers Union: (KES/ Erbil-2530)

Position: Head of Information Technology Departmant / College of Computer and Information Technology at the University of Garmian

Phone: +964 770 544 05 52



  • M.Sc. (2012), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, Information Technology

  • B.Sc. (2009), University of Koya, Iraq, Software Engineering


  • July 2021- Present , Head of Information Technology Departmant/ College of Computer and Information Technology at the University of Garmian.

  • Jun. 2014- July 2021, Lecturer at the University of Garmian, Collage of Engineering

  • Jan. 2013- Jun. 2014, Lecturer at Koya University, Collage of Engineering, Software Engineering Dept.

  • Oct. 2009- Feb. 2011, a member of Group for Administrating the Internet of Koya University.

  • Oct. 2009- Feb. 2011, work as a junior Engineer in Koya University, Collage of Engineering.


1- P. Muhammad Ali, N. Surameery, A. Yunis, L. Abdulrahman, “Gender Prediction of Journalists from Writing Style”, ARO, the scientific Journal of Koya University, vol.1, no.1, pp.22-28, Nov. 2013.


2-N. Surameery and D. Hussein, “Comparative Study of Classification Techniques For Large Scale Data - Case Study”, Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 56-61, Aug. 2017.


3- S. Salih, H. Abdulla, Z. Ahmed, N. Surameery, and R. Rashid, “Modified AlexNet Convolution Neural Network For Covid-19 Detection Using Chest X-ray Images”, Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 119-130, Jun. 2020.


4- H. K. Abdulla, Z. S. Ahmed, N. M. S. Surameery, R. D. Rashid and S. Q. Salih, "SAARSNet: A Deep Neural Network for COVID-19 Cases Diagnosis," 2020 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE), 2020, pp. 1-5,


5- N. M. S. Surameery and M. Y. Shakor, "CBES: Cloud Based Learning management System for Educational Institutions," 2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2021, pp. 270-275,

doi: 10.1109/ICOASE51841.2020.9436536

6- Shakor MY, Surameery NM. Built-in Encrypted Health Cloud Environment for Sharing COVID-19 Data. In2021 3rd International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI) 2021 Jun 25 (pp. 96-101). IEEE.

doi: 10.1109/ICCCI51764.2021.9486774

7- Ahmed ZS, Surameery NM, Rashid RD, Salih SQ, Abdulla HK. CNN-based Transfer Learning for Covid-19 Diagnosis. In2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) 2021 Jul 14 (pp. 296-301). IEEE.

doi: 10.1109/ICIT52682.2021.9491126

8- Shafiq NM, Shakor MY. Cloud Computing Technologies Adoption in Higher Education Inistitutes During COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study. Passer Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2021 Sep 1;3(2):187-93.


9- Surameery NM. Deep ContactlessS 3D-Middle Finger Knuckle Recognition. Science Journal of University of Zakho. 2021 Dec 30;9(4):171-7.


10- Surameery NM. Modified Advanced Encryption Standard for Boost Image Encryption. UHD Journal of Science and Technology. 2022 Apr 27;6(1):52-9.



  • English : Fluent (USEPT Result: 68 Estimated IELTS= 7, By the University of Sheffield, UK)

  • Arabic : Fluent (Studying Language)

  • Kurdish: Mother Language


  • Artificial intelligence & Machiene Learnng

  • Data mining

  • Cyber Security

  • Cloud Computing